Reflective Shape & Chevron Striping Calculator – Online

Reflective Shape and Chevron Striping Calculator – (online store) To use this online calculator simply type in the height and width of each area you wish to apply reflective shapes to.  If you have more than one area do them one at a time and create a total.  When doing a chevron pattern 1/2 will …

Video Overview of the different ways to make Diamond Plate Reflective

Online Store – The video below is an overview of the five different methods for making diamond (tread) plate reflective.  3/4″ dots, 3/4″ rounded squares, octagons, overlays and chevron strips.  All have their advantages. Dots, rounded squares and octagons work on almost all diamond plates.  Overlays work on the diamond plate in the video …

Estimating the Number of Reflective Dots or Shapes for Diamond Plate

How to Calculate the Number of Diamonds, Dots, Octagons, Overlays or Chevron Strips for Diamond Plate – CLICK HERE To go to our online “Reflective Shape and Chevron Striping Calculator”. The process of estimating how many reflective shapes to purchase to cover a given amount of diamond plate is a fairly simple process.  It involves …

Our Reflective Shape Color Choices

Different Color Reflective Shapes Available – (online store) We cut reflective shapes from Orafol / Reflexite V98 material.  We carry fluorescent lime, fluorescent orange, red, white and blue.  Fluorescent lime and red are the two most popular colors.  The pictures below show the different colors.   The image below shows the product in its retro reflective …

Orafol / Reflexite V98 Conformable Prismatic Reflective Sheeting

About Orafol / Reflexite V98 Conformable Prismatic Sheeting – (online store) We use Orafol’s Reflexite V98 material for all of our reflective shapes.  We use this material because it is tough, bright and cuts very well with computer controlled plotters.  It is also made in one layer which means that it will not delaminate like other …